Last year, revenue from the branding of college athletic apparel totaled in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Advertising spots for major televised college events soared into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Advertising firms went all-out to create entertaining commercials for major corporations. Some of the commercials were hilarious, but none of the money that paid for these commercials went to the people who actually played in the televised games. The fact is that college athletes earn no financial compensation for their efforts, while universities receive a great deal of revenue from their athletic programs.

Although some student athletes do earn scholarships toward college tuition, most still struggle with daily expenses such as room and board. If student athletes are willing to commit to the responsibility of playing collegiate sports on top of everything that regular college students dedicate themselves to, these athletes should be paid a stipend for their hard work.

-Excerpted from "The Free Education Myth" by Ouran Boros

Which of the following statements is weak evidence for the argument that colleges and universities should pay student athletes?

The fact is that college athletes earn no financial compensation for their efforts, while universities receive a great deal of revenue from their athletic programs.

Advertising firms went all-out to create entertaining commercials for major corporations.

None of the money that paid for televised commercials went directly to the people who actually played in the televised games.

Many student athletes still struggle with daily expenses such as room and board.
Game Bonus
Identify weak evidence

Advertising firms went all-out to create entertaining commercials for major corporations.