The sixth graders took a trip to the Houston Zoo. Eighty-three students went on the field trip. Adult tickets were free. There was a $5.00 parking fee. The total cost for the field trip was $586.00.

What was the cost for a student ticket?

Let's assume the cost of each student ticket is x.

The cost of the parking fee is $5.00.

The total number of students is 83.

The total cost for the field trip is $586.00.

The cost of the tickets for the students is 83x.

The equation for the total cost of the field trip is 5 + 83x = 586.

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of x:

83x = 586 - 5

83x = 581

x = 581/83

x ≈ $7.00

Therefore, the cost for a student ticket is $7.00.