how did us civilization effect african civilization in 700-800 ce

During the period of 700-800 CE, the United States did not exist as a country, and Africa had various civilizations across the continent. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the interaction between different regions during this era was limited compared to later periods of history. Therefore, it is more accurate to analyze the impact of other civilizations on African societies during this time rather than specifically focusing on the United States. Nevertheless, there were some interactions between Africa and other parts of the world during this period, such as the spread of Islam.

The spread of Islam in Africa during the 7th and 8th centuries had a significant influence on the continent's civilizations. Arab Muslim traders played a role in introducing Islam to various regions, particularly along the eastern coast of Africa. This led to the formation of powerful Islamic states such as the Sultanate of Mogadishu and the Swahili city-states in East Africa.

The introduction of Islam brought with it certain cultural and social changes, including new technologies, writing systems, and advancements in agriculture. African societies that embraced Islam adopted Arabic writing and language, which influenced their artistic and intellectual development. Islamic merchants also established trade networks that connected Africa with the Middle East and Asia, contributing to economic growth and intercultural exchange.

However, it is important to note that the interactions between African and Arab civilizations were not one-sided. African civilizations also had an impact on the Arabs and Islamic societies. For example, African gold and ivory were highly sought after commodities and played a crucial role in the trade networks of the time. Additionally, African intellectual and cultural contributions had a significant influence on the development of Muslim societies, particularly in the areas of mathematics, astronomy, and literature.

Overall, while the United States did not directly interact with African civilizations during 700-800 CE, the spread of Islam and trade networks during this period had a notable impact on African societies, bringing changes in culture, technology, and economics.