how did us civilization effect african civilization in 700-800 ce

In order to understand how the US civilization influenced African civilization during the 700-800 CE period, we need to examine historical records and evaluate the impact of various factors. To do this, you can follow these steps:

1. Research historical sources: Start by gathering information from reliable historical texts, academic articles, and books that focus on this time period. Look specifically for resources that discuss trade, cultural exchange, and interactions between different societies.

2. Identify US civilization developments: Explore the advancements and characteristics of the US civilization during the 700-800 CE timeframe. Consider factors such as societal structure, political systems, technological innovations, trade patterns, and cultural practices.

3. Examine trade and cultural exchange: Investigate whether there were any direct or indirect trade routes and interactions between the US civilization (specifically the Native American cultures that existed at the time) and African civilizations during this period. Understand the nature of this exchange, including the goods/items traded, influence on cultural practices, and the impact on local economies.

4. Assess cultural diffusion: Evaluate the potential impact of cultural diffusion between the US and African civilizations. Analyze if there were any exchanges of ideas, religious practices, artistic styles, or agricultural techniques. Determine if the US civilization influenced African beliefs, lifestyle, or societal norms.

5. Consider geopolitical factors: Consider the role of geopolitics in influencing the interaction between the US and African civilizations. This can include analyzing the presence of external powers, such as Arab traders or European explorers, who may have acted as intermediaries or disrupted the exchange between the two.

6. Evaluate long-term effects: Understand the lasting impact of these interactions. Determine if there were any significant changes in African civilizations attributed to the influence of the US civilization during this time period. Assess if these influences were limited to specific regions or had broader effects across the continent.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather sufficient information and form a comprehensive understanding of how the US civilization affected African civilization during the 700-800 CE period. Keep in mind that historical interpretations may vary, so it is essential to consult multiple sources and consider different perspectives to get a well-rounded understanding.