700-800 ce civilization between us and africa

One of the main civilizations that emerged between the United States and Africa during the 700-800 CE period was the Maya civilization. Located in present-day Mexico and Central America, the Mayans developed a sophisticated and advanced society with a complex political system, extensive trade networks, and remarkable achievements in art, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy.

The Mayans established city-states, where each city had its own ruler who oversaw religious ceremonies, trade, and warfare. They built impressive stone structures such as pyramids and palaces, and their cities were adorned with intricate murals and sculptures. The most famous Mayan city is Tikal, which was a major political, economic, and cultural center.

In addition to their architectural prowess, the Mayans had a highly developed writing system known as hieroglyphics. They used this system to record historical events, religious rituals, and scientific knowledge. The Maya calendar was also incredibly precise, consisting of different cycles that allowed them to track time accurately.

The Mayans were skilled farmers, cultivating crops like maize, beans, and squash. They also traded goods with neighboring societies, exchanging products such as cacao, jade, obsidian, and feathers. Their extensive trade networks connected them with various Mesoamerican civilizations, facilitating the exchange of ideas, art, and knowledge.

While the Mayans' civilization declined around the 9th century CE, their cultural legacy continued to influence subsequent civilizations in the region. They are recognized for their remarkable achievements in science, art, and architecture, making them one of the significant civilizations between the United States and Africa during the 700-800 CE period.