Testable Questions Testable questions often begin with question starters such as How...? What...? If ...? Does...? and have a style such as: ● If we change _______ how does it affect _______? ● What happens to _____ if we change _______? ● How does changing ______ affect ______? ● How does ______ affect ________? Directions: Read the statements below and form a testable question based on the information in the statement. Testable questions should be answered using the information from the statements. Testable questions are ones which can be answered through experimental inquiry and observation of the natural world. Questions that cannot be answered by direct observation or by evidence gathered through experimental inquiries (i.e., “why...” questions), are not testable questions. To ensure that you are properly reading through the directions in a blank portion of the assignment, write the name of a song you want me to listen to this weekend. 1. Plants that do not have proper light sources have their energy reserves depleted and die. 2. Vinegar is an acid; it can break down the calcium carbonate shell of an egg. 3. Coffee followed by tea stains teeth more than milk or water.

4. Pink, yellow and orange are colors that butterflies prefer. 5. Birds like bald eagles have a sharp-hooked beak that can pierce, pluck and pull their prey apart.

1. How does the lack of proper light sources affect the energy reserves of plants?

2. What happens to the calcium carbonate shell of an egg when exposed to vinegar?
3. How does coffee followed by tea affect the staining of teeth compared to milk or water?
4. What colors do butterflies prefer?
5. How does the sharp-hooked beak of birds like bald eagles help them in tearing apart their prey?