Conjugate the verb ser in all forms in the Present Tense.

Describe two circumstances in which you would use the verb ser. Write your answer in English.

The verb "ser" in the Present Tense is conjugated as follows:

- Yo soy (I am)
- Tú eres (You are)
- Él/Ella/Usted es (He/She/You (formal) is)
- Nosotros/Nosotras somos (We are)
- Vosotros/Vosotras sois (You all are)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes son (They/You all (formal) are)

Two circumstances in which you would use the verb "ser" are:

1. To describe characteristics or attributes of a person or thing:
- Él es alto y moreno. (He is tall and dark-skinned.)
- Oaxaca es famosa por su gastronomía. (Oaxaca is famous for its cuisine.)

2. To indicate the profession or occupation of someone:
- Mi hermano es médico. (My brother is a doctor.)
- Mis padres son maestros. (My parents are teachers.)