employers know that ____ employees are _____

employers know that engaged employees are productive.

Is it happy,productive

Yes, you are correct. Employers know that happy employees are generally more productive. When employees are satisfied with their work, feel valued, and are motivated, they tend to perform better and contribute more to the organization's success.

Employers know that motivated employees are productive.

To understand why employers know this, we can break it down:

1. Motivation: Motivated employees are driven and enthusiastic about their work. They have a sense of purpose and are willing to put in extra effort to achieve their goals. Motivation is crucial for employees' engagement and commitment to their work.

2. Productivity: Productive employees consistently achieve high levels of performance. They are efficient, focused, and able to accomplish tasks effectively. Productivity is essential for businesses to meet their objectives and remain competitive.

So, employers understand that when employees are motivated, they tend to be more productive, yielding benefits for both the individual and the organization as a whole.

There are various ways employers can identify motivated employees:

1. Observation: Employers can observe employees' behaviors and attitudes towards their work. Motivated employees often display enthusiasm, initiative, and a positive attitude, while also showing dedication and commitment to their tasks.

2. Performance: Employers can assess employees' performance levels. Motivated employees usually produce high-quality work, meet deadlines consistently, and demonstrate a willingness to go above and beyond their assigned responsibilities.

3. Feedback: Employers can actively seek feedback from employees or conduct performance evaluations. By engaging in open and constructive communication, employers can gauge employees' motivation levels and identify areas for improvement or support.

4. Employee engagement surveys: Employers can use surveys to measure employee satisfaction, motivation, and overall engagement within the organization. This can provide valuable insights into the level of motivation among employees.

Overall, employers recognize that motivated employees contribute to a positive work environment, increased productivity, and the overall success of the organization.