Which is always true in a closed system?(1 point)


Acceleration is not constant.
Acceleration is not constant.

Momentum is conserved.
Momentum is conserved.

Mass is not conserved.
Mass is not conserved.

Velocity is constant.

None of the given options are always true in a closed system. The correct answer is: None of the above.


I apologize for the confusion. The correct answer is: Momentum is conserved. In a closed system, the total momentum remains constant unless an external force acts on it.

The statement "Momentum is conserved" is always true in a closed system.

To understand why this is the case, let's first define what a closed system is. In physics, a closed system refers to a situation where no external forces act on the system. This means that the system is isolated from its surroundings, and there are no external influences.

Now, momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and its velocity. In a closed system, since there are no external forces acting on the system, the total momentum of the system remains constant. This is because according to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, any change in the momentum of one object within the closed system will be balanced out by an opposite change in momentum of another object within the system, resulting in the total momentum remaining unchanged.

On the other hand, the other statements mentioned are not always true in a closed system.

Acceleration may or may not be constant depending on the forces within the closed system. Mass is not necessarily conserved if there are processes like chemical reactions or nuclear reactions taking place within the system. Velocity is not necessarily constant as it can change if there are external forces acting on the system.

Therefore, out of the given options, the only statement that is always true in a closed system is that "Momentum is conserved."