ir and -er ending verbs are very similar in their endings when they are conjugated. How do they differ in their endings when they are conjugated?

(4 points)

short simple answer

The main difference between -ir and -er ending verbs when conjugated is in the endings of the "nous" and "vous" forms.

For -ir ending verbs, the "nous" form ends in -issons and the "vous" form ends in -issez.
For example, "finir" (to finish) is conjugated as:
je finis
tu finis
il/elle/on finit
nous finissons
vous finissez
ils/elles finissent

For -er ending verbs, the "nous" form ends in -ons and the "vous" form ends in -ez.
For example, "parler" (to speak) is conjugated as:
je parle
tu parles
il/elle/on parle
nous parlons
vous parlez
ils/elles parlent