Question If a customer has an incredible buying experience with a business, this is good news for the business’s sales because that means that the customer is more likely to:

A steal from the company
B leave mediocre reviews
C bad mouth the company
D make repeat purchases

D make repeat purchases

is this right

Yes, that is correct. If a customer has an incredible buying experience with a business, it is likely that they will make repeat purchases in the future.

The correct answer is D) make repeat purchases.

To determine the correct answer, we can break down the options and identify the one that aligns with a positive outcome for the business.

Option A states that the customer is more likely to steal from the company. However, having an incredible buying experience does not necessarily correlate with criminal behavior or dishonesty.

Option B suggests that the customer is more likely to leave mediocre reviews. While it is possible that a customer may provide feedback, it is not necessarily limited to mediocre reviews. Additionally, an incredible buying experience would generally be associated with positive feedback rather than mediocre reviews.

Option C indicates that the customer is more likely to bad mouth the company. Again, having an incredible buying experience typically leads to positive word-of-mouth referrals rather than negative comments about the company.

Option D, which states that the customer is more likely to make repeat purchases, aligns with the positive outcome of the business. When customers have a great buying experience, it often fosters loyalty and encourages them to return to the business for additional purchases. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.