The following describes a representative sample one evidence that is logically connected to a central idea to amount of evidence needed to provide prove a claim three a quantity small quantity that accurately represents a large group or information presented to prove or disprove a point

A representative sample is a subset of a larger population or group that accurately reflects its characteristics or properties. In research, a representative sample is essential because it allows researchers to make generalizations or draw conclusions about the entire population based on a smaller, more manageable sample.

One example of a representative sample is conducting a survey to gather information about public opinion on a particular issue. Instead of surveying every single individual in the country, which would be impractical and time-consuming, researchers can select a smaller group of individuals that accurately represents the demographics and diversity of the entire population. By ensuring the sample is representative, the researchers can confidently generalize their findings to the larger population.

The concept of a representative sample is logically connected to the central idea of generalization. By establishing a representative sample, researchers can make informed and reliable statements about the whole population based on the evidence collected from the smaller subset.

In terms of the amount of evidence needed to prove a claim, a representative sample can provide sufficient evidence if carefully chosen. The size of the sample depends on various factors such as the desired level of precision, expected variation in the population, and the resources available for data collection. Generally, larger sample sizes tend to provide more reliable results with lower margin of error, but even a relatively small representative sample can yield valid insights about a larger group.

Lastly, the information presented in the form of a representative sample can be used to either prove or disprove a point. If the findings from the representative sample align with the hypothesized claim, it can support the claim's validity. Conversely, if the evidence from the representative sample contradicts the claim, it can serve as evidence to disprove or question its accuracy.

Overall, a representative sample plays a crucial role in research, allowing for valid generalizations, providing reliable evidence, and contributing to the proof or disproof of claims.