How would you say in Spanish "We share our books in class"?

Question 2 options:

En la clase nosotros leemos nuestros libros.

En la clase nosotros guardamos nuestros libros.

En la clase nosotros compartimos nuestros libros.

En la clase nosotros compartimos nuestros libros.


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To say "We share our books in class" in Spanish, you would use the sentence "En la clase nosotros compartimos nuestros libros."

To find the correct answer, you need to understand the meaning of each option.

Option 1: "En la clase nosotros leemos nuestros libros" translates to "In class, we read our books." This option does not reflect the meaning of sharing, so it is not the correct answer.

Option 2: "En la clase nosotros guardamos nuestros libros" translates to "In class, we keep our books." Again, this option does not convey the idea of sharing books, so it is not the correct answer.

Option 3: "En la clase nosotros compartimos nuestros libros" translates to "In class, we share our books." This sentence accurately reflects the original English sentence, so it is the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct option is: En la clase nosotros compartimos nuestros libros.