Step 1: Create a name and relevant logo

Decide on a name for the coffee shop.
Using your preferred design program, create a relevant logo.
Step 2: Choose intellectual property law and do online research

Determine which intellectual property law applies to protecting names and logos.

Step 3: Understand the requirements for protection

Research the specific requirements for protection under the chosen intellectual property law. This may include things like originality, distinctiveness, and non-functionality.

Step 4: Conduct a trademark search

Search existing trademarks to ensure that the chosen name and logo are not already in use by another business. This can be done through online trademark databases or with the help of a trademark attorney.

Step 5: File a trademark application

If the name and logo meet the requirements and are not already in use, file a trademark application with the appropriate intellectual property office. This may involve filling out specific forms, providing the logo for representation, and paying the required fees.

Step 6: Monitor and enforce your trademark

Once the trademark is registered, it is important to monitor its use and take action against any instances of infringement. This may involve sending cease and desist letters, taking legal action, or seeking assistance from a trademark attorney.

Step 7: Renew and maintain the trademark

Trademarks typically need to be renewed periodically to maintain their protection. Stay updated on renewal deadlines and submit the necessary paperwork and fees to ensure ongoing protection of the name and logo.

Step 8: Consider additional forms of protection

Depending on the nature of the branding elements, it may be beneficial to also protect them through other forms of intellectual property, such as copyright for the logo design or design patents for unique structural or ornamental features. Consult with an intellectual property attorney to determine the best course of action.