A librarian collected data on the number of pages in chapters of a book. Interpret the slope and the y -intercept of the linear model. Round the slope to the nearest hundredth.

(1 point)

For every chapter of a book, there is an average of 10 pages.
For every chapter of a book, there is an average of 10 pages.

For every chapter of a book, there is an average of110 page.
For every chapter of a book, there is an average of Start Fraction 1 over 10 End Fraction page.

For every 10 chapters of a book, there is an average of 1 page.
For every 10 chapters of a book, there is an average of 1 page.

For every chapter of a book, there is an average of 0.1 page.

The slope of the linear model represents the rate of change between the number of chapters and the number of pages. In this case, the slope is 10, which means that for every additional chapter in the book, on average, there will be an increase of 10 pages.

The y-intercept of the linear model represents the starting point, or the number of pages when there are no chapters. In this case, the y-intercept is 0.1, which means that when there are no chapters (x = 0), there will be an average of 0.1 page.

So, the slope represents the increase in pages per chapter, and the y-intercept represents the initial number of pages when there are no chapters.