Multiple Choice

Why do authors use personification?
(1 point)

They want to create an image in the reader’s mind.
They want to create an image in the reader’s mind.

They want to provide a literal description of an object.
They want to provide a literal description of an object.

They think objects are people in disguise.
They think objects are people in disguise.

They want to show that people are more important than objects.

They want to create an image in the reader's mind and they think objects are people in disguise.

They want to create an image in the reader’s mind.

i need 2 awnsers its multiple choice

The correct answer is: They want to create an image in the reader's mind.

Authors use personification to give human qualities or characteristics to non-human objects or abstract ideas. This helps to create vivid and engaging images in the reader's mind. Personification can make the text more relatable, memorable, and emotive. For example, saying "the wind whispered through the trees" helps the reader visualize the sound and creates a more vivid description compared to a literal description such as "the wind blew through the trees." So, the correct choice is the first option: They want to create an image in the reader’s mind.