Frost/Ice wedging is a form of ______ weathering due to temperature changes.

chemical or physical


are u sure

Apologies for any confusion. Frost/Ice wedging is actually a form of mechanical or physical weathering. It involves the physical expansion and contraction of water as it freezes and thaws, leading to the breaking apart of rocks and minerals.

Frost/Ice wedging is a form of physical weathering due to temperature changes.

Physical weathering refers to the process by which rocks and minerals are broken down into smaller pieces without any alteration in their chemical composition. In the case of frost or ice wedging, the physical breakdown of the rock occurs as a result of repeated freezing and thawing of water within cracks and fissures.

To understand why this is considered physical weathering rather than chemical weathering, we need to examine the process. Water enters cracks in the rock. When the temperature drops below freezing, the water turns into ice and expands, exerting pressure on the surrounding rock. As the ice melts during thawing, it contracts, relieving the pressure. This expansion and contraction cycle weakens the rock over time, causing it to fragment or break apart into smaller pieces.

In summary, frost or ice wedging is a physical weathering process as it involves the physical breakdown of rocks due to the expansion and contraction of water freezing and thawing within cracks.