Felicia went on a bike ride. She rode three-fourths of a mile in two-thirds of an hour. What was her biking speed in miles per hour?

To find the biking speed, we need to divide the distance (three-fourths of a mile) by the time (two-thirds of an hour).

Three-fourths of a mile divided by two-thirds of an hour is (3/4) / (2/3).
To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction: (3/4) * (3/2).
This equals (9/8) miles per hour.

Therefore, Felicia's biking speed is 9/8 miles per hour.

9/8 in a mixed number

To express 9/8 as a mixed number, we need to find the whole number part and the fractional part.

The whole number part is obtained by dividing the numerator (9) by the denominator (8):
9 ÷ 8 = 1 with a remainder of 1.

So, the whole number part is 1.

The fractional part is the remainder (1) over the denominator (8):

Therefore, 9/8 as a mixed number is 1 1/8.

The table shows the linear relationship between the number of guests a person brings to a lunch, and the total cost for her and her guests. Which description accurately matches the values in the table?

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided the table with the values. Could you please provide the table so that I can assist you accurately?

x, Number of Guests y, Cost

0 $4.00
2 $16.00
4 $28.00
6 $40.00
8 $64.00

The table shows the linear relationship between the number of guests a person brings to a lunch, and the total cost for her and her guests. Which description accurately matches the values in the table?

Based on the values in the table, we can identify the relationship between the number of guests and the total cost. Let's analyze the data step by step:

When there are 0 guests (x = 0), the total cost is $4.00 (y = 4.00).
When there are 2 guests (x = 2), the total cost is $16.00 (y = 16.00).
When there are 4 guests (x = 4), the total cost is $28.00 (y = 28.00).
When there are 6 guests (x = 6), the total cost is $40.00 (y = 40.00).
When there are 8 guests (x = 8), the total cost is $64.00 (y = 64.00).

By observing the data, we can see that for each additional guest, the total cost increases by $8.00. We can also note that when there are no guests (0 guests), the base cost is $4.00.

Therefore, the linear relationship between the number of guests and the total cost can be described as follows: The cost for a lunch is $4.00 plus $8.00 for each guest.

There are 9 computers and 72 students. What is the unit rate of students to computers?

A 1computer8students
1 computer 8 students
B 8students1computer
8 students 1 computer
C 3computers24students
3 computers 24 students
D 24students3computers

To find the unit rate of students to computers, we need to divide the total number of students by the total number of computers.

Given that there are 72 students and 9 computers, the unit rate of students to computers would be:

72 students ÷ 9 computers = 8 students per computer

Therefore, the correct response is:

B) 8 students 1 computer

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