divide the polynomialby the monomial denominator by writing the fraction as the sum (or diffrence) of fractions. simplify your answer if possible (-4x+8)/(-4x)

To divide the polynomial (-4x + 8) by the monomial denominator (-4x), we can write it as the sum (or difference) of fractions.

First, we break down the polynomial into two terms: -4x and 8.
Then, we represent each term as a fraction with the monomial denominator -4x:

(-4x + 8)/(-4x) = (-4x)/(-4x) + 8/(-4x)

The first term simplifies to 1 since -4x divided by -4x equals 1:

(-4x)/(-4x) = 1

Therefore, the expression becomes:

1 + 8/(-4x)

Further simplifying, we can divide 8 by -4 to get -2:

1 + (-2/x) = 1 - (2/x)

So, the final simplified expression is 1 - (2/x).