multiply the binomials using the foil method. combine like terms. (-2x-2)(8x-6)

To multiply the binomials using the FOIL method, you will multiply the First terms, the Outer terms, the Inner terms, and finally the Last terms, then combine like terms.

First: (-2x)(8x) = -16x²
Outer: (-2x)(-6) = 12x
Inner: (-2)(8x) = -16x
Last: (-2)(-6) = 12

Now, combine the like terms:
-16x² + 12x - 16x + 12

Group the like terms:
(-16x² + 12x) + (-16x + 12)

Combine the group:
-16x² + (12x - 16x) + 12

Combine like terms:
-16x² - 4x + 12

Therefore, the product of the binomials (-2x-2)(8x-6) is -16x² - 4x + 12.