In which way were stolen, communist state, and Hitler’s fascist state similar? Both had multiparty government led by dictators. Both promoted and official state religious policy of atheism. Both used to secret place to enforce their policies. Both used 5 year plans to build the economies.

While there are a few similarities mentioned between stolen, communist state, and Hitler's fascist state, it's important to note that the statements provided are not entirely accurate. Here's a more nuanced clarification:

1. Multiparty government led by dictators: In Hitler's fascist state, the Nazi Party held exclusive power, eliminating all other political parties. In a communist state, such as the Soviet Union, there was a one-party system dominated by the Communist Party. So, the multiparty aspect does not apply to both systems.

2. Official state religious policy of atheism: While communist states often propagated atheism and discouraged religious practices as a means to establish a societal ideology centered around the state, Hitler's fascist state did not officially promote atheism. Instead, Hitler's regime promoted a form of National Socialism that combined elements of fascism with anti-Semitic ideologies.

3. Secret police to enforce policies: Both Hitler's Nazi regime and some communist states employed secret police organizations to monitor and enforce policies. However, it is not accurate to claim that this aspect was a similarity between all communist states and Hitler's fascist state because not all communist states relied on secret police.

4. Five-year plans to build economies: This aspect applies specifically to the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin's rule. Stalin introduced a series of five-year plans aimed at rapidly industrializing the country. Hitler's fascist state also pursued an economic recovery plan, known as the Four Year Plan, but the timeframes and goals were different from the Soviet Union's five-year plans.

It's important to thoroughly research each historical context to understand the specific characteristics and differences of stolen, communist states, and Hitler's fascist state.