In order to expand agriculture and stimulate a sagging economy, the Brazilian government eased environmental laws which allowed large tracts of rainforest to be cut down or burned. In three to five sentences, construct a potential chain of consequences for what can happen as a result of this kind of deforestation. The chain does not have to be linear (i.e., five steps in a row), but can have several branches, one for each different potential consequence. Your chain should include at least four steps, including the original event

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When the Brazilian government decided to cut down or burn large parts of the rainforest to expand agriculture and help the economy, some unfortunate consequences followed. First, many animals lost their homes, and some became extinct, like the cute tree-dwelling sloths. Second, the trees that had been keeping the air fresh and clean were gone, causing more air pollution and making it harder for people to breathe. Third, because the rainforest helps regulate the water cycle, there were more floods and droughts, making it difficult for farmers to grow crops. Finally, without the rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide, the Earth started getting warmer, leading to climate change and making the weather more extreme.

make it shorter

When the Brazilian government cut down or burned parts of the rainforest to expand agriculture, it led to animals losing homes, increased air pollution, disrupted water cycles, and contributed to climate change.

Once the Brazilian government eased environmental laws for agriculture, people started cutting down and burning large areas of the rainforest. With less trees, there was more carbon dioxide released into the air, causing air pollution. Animals like jaguars and monkeys lost their homes, leading to a decrease in biodiversity. Also, without the trees, the soil became exposed to erosion, making it difficult to grow crops in the long run.