Lucy's Letter

[1] I stumbled upon the faded envelope while cleaning out my old childhood bedroom, which felt frozen in time since the 1990s. Tucked away in a dusty corner of the closet, it held a forgotten treasure: a letter I had written to myself when I was a teenager. I sat down on the worn carpet, my heart racing as I carefully flipped through the fragile pages.

[2] The room was a time capsule of my adolescence in Seattle - posters of '90s rock bands and teen heartthrobs adorned the walls, a stack of CDs lay beside my ancient boombox, and a vintage beeper rested on my desk. The scent of old paper, mixed with the faint musk of years past and the occasional whiff of rain from outside, filled the air.

[3] "Dear Future Lucy," the letter began in my youthful handwriting. I couldn't help but smile at the seriousness of my teenage self.

[4] As I read on, the words transported me back to the '90s, the era of dial-up internet, MTV, and Walkmans. My dreams and fears, my teenage crushes on grunge Rock musicians, and my secrets were all laid bare in the letter.

[5] "I hope you've become the person you wanted to be," my younger self had written, with a reference to my Nirvana T-shirt, a symbol of my '90s rebellion. My eyes watered as I realized how much had changed.

[6] Teenage me had been full of dreams, aspirations, and the belief that anything was possible. I had wanted to be an artist, inspired by the vibrant graffiti art that adorned the city streets back then. In the letter, I had listed all the things I wanted to achieve by the age of thirty, written beside a doodle of the iconic smiley face that had become an emblem of my youth.

[7] My life had taken me on a different path since then. I had become a lawyer instead of an artist, working long hours in a high-pressure job. My dream of traveling the world had taken a backseat to responsibilities and obligations. Yet, my heart ached with a longing for the adventures I had put on hold.

[8] Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about the girl who had written the letter, the girl who had once rocked flannel shirts, tattered jeans, and Doc Martens. I realized that I had allowed the years to shape me into someone who had lost touch with my passions and dreams. It was time for a change.

[9] Outside my childhood bedroom window, the golden hues of the Seattle sun cast a warm glow, illuminating the memories that now pulsed with the spirit I used to have._

What is the symbolic significance of the sun shining on the letter in the last paragraph of the story?
1 point
It symbolizes the end of the protagonist's journey of self-discovery.
The sunlight represents the passing of time and the irretrievable nature of the past.
The sun's warmth signifies the protagonist's renewed determination and optimism.
The sunlight on the letter is purely descriptive and lacks symbolic meaning in the story.

The symbolic significance of the sun shining on the letter in the last paragraph of the story is that it signifies the protagonist's renewed determination and optimism. The golden hues of the Seattle sun casting a warm glow on the memories represents a new chapter in the protagonist's life, where they are motivated to reconnect with their passions and dreams. It represents a sense of hope and a fresh start for the protagonist.