By what means did Zhou Dynasty rulers keep control over all the different regions of their kingdom

They kept a strong army ready to put down any rebellion

They started a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius

They put their family members in charge of individual regions

They treated the people with kindness and respect

All of the options listed could be considered means by which the Zhou Dynasty rulers maintained control over different regions of their kingdom. Let's discuss each option briefly:

1. They kept a strong army ready to put down any rebellion: The Zhou Dynasty rulers maintained a powerful military force to suppress any potential uprisings or rebellions within their territories. This helped to discourage any attempts at opposing their rule.

2. They started a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius: The Zhou Dynasty implemented a system of governance known as the "Mandate of Heaven," which incorporated Confucian principles. This included the establishment of a civil service bureaucracy that appointed officials based on their merit and knowledge. This system helped to ensure efficient governance and loyalty to the central authority.

3. They put their family members in charge of individual regions: The Zhou rulers relied on the practice of feudalism, whereby they appointed their family members as regional rulers. By appointing loyal relatives to positions of power, they increased the likelihood of their control being maintained by these trusted individuals.

4. They treated the people with kindness and respect: The Zhou rulers endeavored to win the support and loyalty of the people by treating them fairly and respectfully. This approach aimed to foster a sense of goodwill and contentment among the population, reducing the likelihood of widespread discontent or rebellious sentiments.

It is important to note that these means of control were not mutually exclusive but rather interrelated strategies employed by the Zhou Dynasty rulers to maintain their grip on power.

What is the answer

All of the options listed in the previous response are correct means by which the Zhou Dynasty rulers kept control over the different regions of their kingdom. Therefore, the answer is that they employed a combination of tactics, including maintaining a strong army, implementing a civil service based on Confucian principles, appointing family members as regional rulers, and treating the people with kindness and respect.

The Zhou Dynasty, which ruled ancient China from 1046 to 256 BCE, employed various means to maintain control over the different regions of their kingdom. The correct answer is a combination of multiple factors.

Firstly, the Zhou Dynasty maintained a powerful army to suppress any potential rebellions or challenges to their rule. This military force was crucial in maintaining control over the vast territory and ensuring that local rulers remained loyal to the central government.

Secondly, the Zhou rulers implemented a civil service system inspired by the teachings of Confucius. This system aimed to recruit officials based on merit rather than hereditary status. The civil service examination system assessed candidates' knowledge and adherence to Confucian principles, ensuring that they were suitable for governance. This helped to establish a stable and efficient administration across the kingdom.

Thirdly, the Zhou Dynasty strategically appointed family members to govern different regions. By placing their relatives in positions of power, they sought to solidify loyalty within the ruling family and maintain control over the local regions. However, it is worth noting that this practice could sometimes lead to internal power struggles and challenges to the central authority.

Lastly, the Zhou rulers also adopted a policy of treating the people in their kingdom with kindness and respect. By treating their subjects well, they aimed to foster loyalty and maintain a level of stability throughout the kingdom. This approach included providing protection, economic benefits, and showing reverence to local customs and traditions.

In summary, the Zhou Dynasty employed a combination of a strong military, a civil service system based on Confucian principles, strategic appointments of family members, and a policy of treating people well to maintain control over the different regions of their kingdom.