Use the table to answer the question.

Plant A Plant B Plant C
tt TT Tt

The table shows the genotypes of three pea plants for the allele for height. Which prediction about the three plants is the most reasonable?
Plant C will be the shortest
Plant A and plant C will have similar heights
Plant B and Plant C will have similar heights
Plant A will be the tallest

Based on the information provided in the table, the most reasonable prediction would be that Plant A will be the tallest. This is because Plant A has the genotype "TT," which signifies that it has two dominant alleles for height. In contrast, Plant B has the genotype "tt," which means it has two recessive alleles for height. Plant C has the genotype "Tt," indicating it has one dominant and one recessive allele. Since dominant alleles tend to have a greater impact on the phenotype, it is likely that Plant A, with two dominant alleles, will be the tallest.