In order to expand agriculture and stimulate a sagging economy, the Brazilian government eased environmental laws which allowed large tracts of rainforest to be cut down or burned. In three to five sentences, construct a potential chain of consequences for what can happen as a result of this kind of deforestation. The chain does not have to be linear (i.e., five steps in a row), but can have several branches, one for each different potential consequence. Your chain should include at least four steps, including the original event

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1. The easing of environmental laws in Brazil leads to increased deforestation of the rainforest.

2. As a result, the loss of trees contributes to higher carbon dioxide levels, exacerbating climate change.
3. Deforestation also destroys habitats and displaces indigenous communities, leading to a loss of biodiversity and cultural heritage.
4. The reduction in forest cover further disrupts the water cycle, causing changes in rainfall patterns and potentially leading to droughts and floods.