*How much percentage of energy do they get from the sun?

1. Zooplanktons
2. Small fish
3. Sea urchins
4. Crustaceans

1. Zooplanktons: Zooplanktons obtain about 1 to 3% of their energy directly from the sun through a process called photosynthesis.

2. Small fish: Small fish typically obtain their energy indirectly from the sun by consuming zooplankton or other small organisms that have gained energy from the sun.
3. Sea urchins: Sea urchins are herbivores and obtain their energy directly from the sun by consuming algae and other plant material.
4. Crustaceans: Crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs obtain their energy indirectly from the sun by consuming other organisms such as plankton, small fish, or decaying matter that have gained energy from the sun.