Currency Conversion Test Procedure

See Appendix K.

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To perform a currency conversion test, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the exchange rate: Find the current exchange rate between the two currencies you want to convert. This can be done by referring to a reliable financial website, a currency exchange service, or a financial news platform.

2. Choose a test case: Select a specific amount in the original currency that you want to convert. This can be any amount you prefer, such as $100, €500, or ¥10,000.

3. Calculate the conversion manually: Using the exchange rate you found in step 1, multiply the amount in the original currency by the exchange rate. For example, if the exchange rate is 1 USD = 0.85 EUR and you want to convert $100, you would multiply $100 by 0.85 to get €85.

4. Verify the result: Compare your manual calculation to an online currency converter or a financial app that provides real-time currency conversions. Make sure the result matches or is very close to the value you obtained manually.

5. Repeat the test with different amounts: To ensure accuracy, perform the same procedure with several test cases using different amounts of the original currency. This will allow you to verify the consistency of the conversion process.

6. Note any discrepancies: If you notice any significant differences between your manual calculation and the online converter, double-check your calculations and the exchange rate used. Discrepancies could be due to rounding errors, outdated exchange rates, or other factors.

By following this procedure, you can test currency conversions and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results.