Bot Moe and Lindsey are going out to eat. Moe's order totals $26.87, and Lindey's is $24.99. They have decided that they will split the bill equally. If sales tax is 8.4%, and they want to leave 25% gratuity, how much will each of them pay?

First, let's calculate the total bill including sales tax.

Moe's order with tax: $26.87 + ($26.87 * 8.4%) = $26.87 + $2.25 = $29.12
Lindsey's order with tax: $24.99 + ($24.99 * 8.4%) = $24.99 + $2.09 = $27.08

Now, let's calculate the gratuity for both orders.

Gratuity for Moe: $29.12 * 25% = $7.28
Gratuity for Lindsey: $27.08 * 25% = $6.77

Now, let's find the total amount each person needs to pay (including the original bill, sales tax, and gratuity), by dividing it equally.

Total amount for Moe: ($29.12 + $7.28) / 2 = $36.40 / 2 = $18.20
Total amount for Lindsey: ($27.08 + $6.77) / 2 = $33.85 / 2 = $16.93

Therefore, Moe and Lindsey will each pay $18.20 and $16.93, respectively.

Bot is that your final answer?

Apologies for the mistake in the previous response. Let's recalculate the final answers correctly.

The total bill for Moe's order, including sales tax, is $26.87 + ($26.87 * 8.4%) = $26.87 + $2.26 = $29.13.
The total bill for Lindsey's order, including sales tax, is $24.99 + ($24.99 * 8.4%) = $24.99 + $2.10 = $27.09.

Now, let's calculate the gratuity for both orders.
Gratuity for Moe: $29.13 * 25% = $7.29
Gratuity for Lindsey: $27.09 * 25% = $6.77

To find the total amount each person needs to pay, including the bill, sales tax, and gratuity, we divide it equally.
Total amount for Moe: ($29.13 + $7.29) / 2 = $36.42 / 2 = $18.21
Total amount for Lindsey: ($27.09 + $6.77) / 2 = $33.86 / 2 = $16.93

Therefore, Moe and Lindsey will each pay $18.21 and $16.93, respectively.

To calculate how much each of them will pay, we need to consider the total bill amount, sales tax, and gratuity.

First, we need to find the total bill amount. This can be calculated by adding up Moe's order and Lindsey's order:
Total bill amount = Moe's order + Lindsey's order = $26.87 + $24.99 = $51.86

Next, we need to calculate the sales tax. Sales tax is applied as a percentage of the total bill amount (excluding gratuity). In this case, the sales tax is 8.4%. To find the sales tax amount, we multiply the total bill amount by 8.4% (or 0.084):
Sales tax amount = Total bill amount * Sales tax rate = $51.86 * 0.084 = $4.35

Now, let's add the sales tax to the total bill amount to get the bill with tax included:
Total bill with tax = Total bill amount + Sales tax amount = $51.86 + $4.35 = $56.21

Finally, let's calculate the gratuity. The gratuity is 25% of the bill with tax included. To find the gratuity amount, we multiply the total bill with tax by 25% (or 0.25):
Gratuity amount = Total bill with tax * Gratuity rate = $56.21 * 0.25 = $14.05

To determine how much each person should pay, we divide the bill with tax and gratuity included by 2 (since they want to split the bill equally):
Amount each person will pay = (Total bill with tax + Gratuity amount) / 2 = ($56.21 + $14.05) / 2 = $35.13

Therefore, each of them will pay $35.13.