Tampa is about 275 miles from Tallahassee. How far about would they be on a map with a scale of 1 in. = 15 mi?

To determine the distance between Tampa and Tallahassee on a map with a scale of 1 inch = 15 miles, we divide the actual distance of 275 miles by the scale factor of 15 miles per inch.

Distance on map = actual distance / scale factor
Distance on map = 275 miles / 15 miles per inch
Distance on map = 18.33 inches

Therefore, Tampa and Tallahassee would be approximately 18.33 inches apart on a map with a scale of 1 inch = 15 miles.

Tampa is about 275 miles from Tallahassee. How far about would they be on a map with a scale of 1 in. = 15 mi?

2 points
20 inches
20.25 inches
19.24 inches
18.33 inches

To determine the distance between Tampa and Tallahassee on a map with a scale of 1 inch = 15 miles, we divide the actual distance of 275 miles by the scale factor of 15 miles per inch.

Distance on map = actual distance / scale factor
Distance on map = 275 miles / 15 miles per inch
Distance on map ≈ 18.33 inches

Therefore, Tampa and Tallahassee would be approximately 18.33 inches apart on a map with a scale of 1 inch = 15 miles. So the answer is 18.33 inches.

To find out the approximate distance between Tampa and Tallahassee on a map with a scale of 1 inch = 15 miles, we can use a simple calculation.

First, we need to determine the scale of the given map. The scale 1 inch = 15 miles tells us that for every inch measured on the map, it represents a distance of 15 miles in real life.

Next, we can calculate the distance on the map by using the given scale and the actual distance between Tampa and Tallahassee.

The actual distance between Tampa and Tallahassee is given as 275 miles.

Since the scale is 1 inch = 15 miles, we can set up a proportion to find the distance on the map:

1 inch / 15 miles = x inches / 275 miles

Now we can solve for x:

x = (1 inch / 15 miles) * 275 miles
x = 18.33 inches

Therefore, using a map with a scale of 1 inch = 15 miles, Tampa and Tallahassee would be approximately 18.33 inches apart on the map.