SpongeBob poured some of the substance into a test tube and began to heat it. When it started to bubble, he looked into the test tube to see what was happening and pointed it toward Gary so he could see. Gary thought it smelled weird so he took a deep whiff of it. He didn’t think it smelled poisonous and tasted a little bit of the substance. They were worried about running out of time, so they left the test tube and materials on the table and moved to a different station to try another experiment.

SpongeBob and Gary didn't notice that the test tube and the substance started to react vigorously. As they moved to the other station, the reaction became more intense, causing the test tube to shatter and the substance to spill onto the table. The reaction released toxic fumes, filling the air with a noxious smell.

Unaware of the danger, SpongeBob and Gary continued their experiment at the new station. However, within minutes, they began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. SpongeBob's eyes started watering, and Gary felt a burning sensation in his throat.

Realizing something was wrong, SpongeBob and Gary rushed back to their original station, only to find the area covered in a cloud of toxic fumes. They immediately realized that the substance they had left unattended had caused a dangerous chemical reaction.

Panicking, they opened the windows to let fresh air in and quickly evacuated the room. They summoned help from the authorities and informed them about the incident.

An emergency crew arrived and assessed the situation. They determined that the substance contained harmful chemicals that, when combined, produced toxic gases. The crew worked quickly to neutralize the reaction, clean up the spilled substance, and ensure the area was safe again.

SpongeBob and Gary learned an important lesson about lab safety that day. They understood the importance of properly handling and disposing of chemicals, as well as the dangers of leaving experiments unattended.

From then on, they vowed to always prioritize safety in the lab and to never underestimate the potential hazards of their experiments. They were thankful that their mistake didn't result in any serious injuries but made a promise to themselves to educate others about the importance of lab safety to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.