How much water does Adam use every year if taking a 10 minute shower a day?

4,000 mL
40,000 mL
14,610 L
40 L

First, we need to convert 10 minutes into hours.

10 minutes = 10/60 = 1/6 hour

Assuming Adam showers every day for a whole year (365 days), the total time he spends in the shower is:

1/6 * 365 = 60.83 hours

Now, we need to find out how much water Adam uses per minute. Let's assume he uses 10 liters of water per minute.

So, the total water used in one shower is:

10 liters/minute * 1 minute = 10 liters

And the total water used in 60.83 hours is:

10 liters * 60.83 = 608.3 liters

Therefore, Adam uses approximately 608.3 liters of water every year if he takes a 10-minute shower every day.

Converted to mL, that would be:

608.3 liters * 1000 mL/L = 608,300 mL

So, the closest option to the correct answer is 608,300 mL, which is not among the given options.

so choose one

If we have to choose from the given options, the closest one would be:

14,610 L

However, it should be noted that this answer is significantly higher than the earlier calculated value of 608.3 liters.

To calculate how much water Adam uses every year, we need to know the amount of water used during a 10-minute shower and the number of showers in a year.

First, we need to convert the time duration of the shower from minutes to seconds because the flow rate of water is usually measured in liters per second. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so a 10-minute shower is equal to 10 x 60 = 600 seconds.

Next, we need to know the flow rate of the showerhead. Let's assume it is 10 liters per minute.

Now, we can calculate the water used in a single shower. The flow rate is 10 liters per minute, which means that in 600 seconds (10 minutes), Adam will use 10 x (600/60) = 100 liters of water.

To find the water usage for a year, we need to multiply the water usage per shower by the number of showers in a year. Assuming Adam takes a shower every day, there are 365 days in a year. So, the yearly water usage can be calculated as 100 liters/shower x 365 showers/year = 36,500 liters/year.

Therefore, the answer is 36,500 liters/year, which is equivalent to 36.5 cubic meters or 36,500,000 milliliters.

So, the closest answer is 14,610 L.