Read the quotation. “The [collection] of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands . . . may justly be [called] the very definition of tyranny. . . . . . . it will be proper to investigate the sense in which the [protection] of liberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct.” —James Madison, The Federalist Paper No. 47 (1788) James Madison was the fourth president of the United States and one of the nation’s Founding Fathers. Which Enlightenment thinker most likely influenced the ideas presented in this quotation by Madison? Explain what this thinker believed and how his ideas relate to the quotation. (4 points)

The Enlightenment thinker who most likely influenced the ideas presented in this quotation by James Madison is Baron Montesquieu. Montesquieu believed in the concept of separation of powers, as mentioned in the quotation. He believed that power should be divided among different branches of government to prevent the concentration of power, which could lead to tyranny. This idea is reflected in Madison's quotation, where he argues for the necessity of separating and distinguishing the legislative, executive, and judiciary powers in order to protect liberty. This concept of separation of powers was a fundamental principle in the framing of the United States Constitution, with Madison being instrumental in its development.

can you shorten it

James Madison was influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment thinker Baron Montesquieu, who believed in the separation of powers. Montesquieu argued that concentrating all powers in the same hands leads to tyranny. Madison's quotation reflects this belief and emphasizes the importance of separating and distinguishing legislative, executive, and judiciary powers to protect liberty, a principle that guided the framing of the United States Constitution.


James Madison was influenced by Enlightenment thinker Baron Montesquieu, who believed in the separation of powers to prevent tyranny. Madison's quotation reflects this belief and highlights the importance of separating the legislative, executive, and judiciary powers to protect liberty.

write it to sound like a kid rote it pls

James Madison, he was a big fan of a smart guy named Baron Montesquieu. This smart guy thought it was really important to split up the powers of the government so that one person or group doesn't get too much power and become a big meanie. Madison agreed and said it's like super duper important to have different parts of the government doing different things, like making laws, running the country, and deciding on stuff in court. This helps keep our freedom and stops anyone from being a total tyrant.

add bad grammer

James Madison, he liked this super smart dude named Baron Montesquieu a lot. That smart dude thought it was, like, really really important to split up the powers of the government so that one person or a group doesn't get too much power and becomes a big meanie. Madison agreed and said it's, like, super duper important to have different parts of the government doing different things, like making laws, running the country, and deciding on stuff in court. This helps keep our freedom and stops anyone from being a total tyrant, you know what I mean?

How were the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers influenced by the Scientific Revolution?