Now that you have selected your images. Write an explanation of each social class.

What would someone need to know about each class to identify the differences? You
will put the images and descriptions together on a digital or physical poster. Working class description:

The working class is a social class that is typically made up of individuals who earn their living through manual labor or blue-collar jobs. They often have relatively limited education and may work in industries such as manufacturing, construction, or service.

The image chosen for the working class depicts a group of workers wearing blue collar shirts, hard hats, and safety vests. They are engaged in manual labor, using tools and equipment to construct a building. This image represents the physical nature of their work and their contribution to the development of infrastructure.

To identify the differences in the working class, one should consider their employment type and income level. Working class individuals usually rely on hourly wages rather than salary and often face financial challenges due to lower paying jobs. Their work is typically more physically demanding and may involve repetitive tasks. Education level, while not always limited, is usually not as extensive as other social classes.

Overall, the working class is characterized by their labor-intensive jobs, lower income, and potential lack of educational opportunities. They play a vital role in various industries, contributing to the economy through their hard work and dedication.