At a candy store, Charlotte bought 6 pounds of jelly beans and 3 pounds of gummy worms for $69. Meanwhile, Barry bought 6 pounds of jelly beans and 6 pounds of gummy worms for $84. How much does A pound of jelly beans costs and how much does a pound of gummy worms costs?

Let the cost of a pound of jelly beans be x and the cost of a pound of gummy worms be y.

From the given information, we have the following equations:
6x + 3y = 69 ---------(1)
6x + 6y = 84 ----------(2)
Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1), we get:
6x + 3y - (6x + 6y) = 69 - 84
3y - 6y = -15
-3y = -15
y = (-15)/(-3)
y = 5
Substituting the value of 5 for y in equation (1), we get:
6x + 3(5) = 69
6x + 15 = 69
6x = 69 - 15
6x = 54
x = 54/6
x = 9
Therefore, the cost of a pound of jelly beans is $9 and the cost of a pound of gummy worms is $5.