What did the Zhou artisans discover?

The Zhou artisans discovered and developed various artistic and technological advancements during their time. Some of their notable discoveries include:

1. Bronze Casting: Zhou artisans mastered the art of bronze casting and created intricate and highly decorative bronze vessels. They created different tools and techniques for casting, refining, and decorating bronze objects.

2. Ironworking: The Zhou dynasty witnessed the transition from bronze to iron tools and weapons. Zhou artisans developed techniques for smelting and forging iron, which revolutionized warfare and agricultural practices.

3. Pottery and Porcelain: Zhou artisans created ceramic objects like pottery vessels and other decorative items. They experimented with different pottery techniques like wheel-throwing, glazing, and firing, leading to the development of high-quality porcelain during the later years of the Zhou dynasty.

4. Calligraphy: Zhou artisans played a significant role in the development and refinement of calligraphy, an art form expressing written Chinese characters. They established different calligraphy styles like seal script, clerical script, and regular script.

5. Silk Production: The Zhou dynasty contributed to advancements in silk production. The discovery of silkworm rearing and silk thread extraction techniques led to increased silk production, making silk a highly sought-after luxury product.

6. Music and Instruments: Zhou artisans made advancements in music and created several musical instruments, like the zither, flute, and bells. They developed new music scales and notation systems.

7. Architectural Techniques: Zhou artisans refined architectural techniques, creating more sophisticated and durable structures. They developed new methods for building palaces, temples, and houses using materials like wood, stone, and clay.

Overall, the Zhou artisans made remarkable contributions to various artistic and technological fields that significantly shaped Chinese culture and civilization.