The Sears Tower in Chicago is 1.450 feet tall. A model of the tower is 24 inches tall. What is the ratio of the height of the model to the height of the actual Sears Tower?

(1 point)

A. 1:725

B. 725.1


D.725 12

To find the ratio of the height of the model to the height of the actual Sears Tower, we can set up a proportion:

x / 1450 = 24 / 1

Cross-multiplying gives us:

x = 1450 * 24 = 34,800 inches

So, the ratio of the height of the model to the height of the actual Sears Tower is:


Simplifying this ratio by dividing both numbers by 24 gives us:


Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. 1:725