What is an example of humans over-hunting an animal to extinction?

One example of humans over-hunting an animal to extinction is the case of the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) in North America.

To learn more about this, you could follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "examples of animals hunted to extinction" or "overhunting extinctions" using a search engine like Google.

2. Look for reliable sources such as scientific journals, news articles, or conservation organization websites. These sources are likely to provide accurate and detailed information.

3. Read through the search results and select an article or source that mentions the passenger pigeon as an example of over-hunting. Make sure the information is backed by scientific evidence or credible references.

4. Once you have found a credible source, read about the passenger pigeon and its extinction. Understand the reasons behind the over-hunting, including factors such as demand for their meat, habitat destruction, and commercial hunting.

5. Pay attention to details such as the timeline of the extinction, the scale of the hunting, and any conservation efforts that were or are being made to protect other vulnerable species.

By following these steps, you will be able to find reliable information and gain a better understanding of how humans have caused the extinction of certain animal species through over-hunting.