Mrs. Hara wants to purchase blue light blocking glasses for her family. Company 1 sells the glasses for $40 each, and Company 2 sells the same glasses at 4 for $140. How much will Mrs. Hara save, per pair of glasses, if she uses Company 2?(1 point)






To find the price per pair of glasses at Company 1, Mrs. Hara needs to divide the total price by the number of glasses: $40 / 1 = $40.

To find the price per pair of glasses at Company 2, Mrs. Hara needs to divide the total price by the number of glasses: $140 / 4 = $35.

To find the difference in price per pair of glasses, she needs to subtract the price at Company 2 from the price at Company 1: $40 - $35 = $5.

Therefore, Mrs. Hara will save $5 per pair of glasses if she uses Company 2.