What question should the introductory paragraph of a business letter answer?

Question 1 options:

What enclosures are contained in this letter?

How will the recipient respond to this letter?

Why am I writing this letter?

How long should this letter be?

Question 2 (2 points)
What part of a business letter comes right after the body of the letter?

Question 2 options:



enclosure notation


Question 3 (2 points)
What is the appropriate way to write a date at the top of a business letter?

Question 3 options:

Sept. 12, 2021


September 12

September 12, 2021

Question 4 (1 point)
What are the four elements of a memo heading?

Question 4 options:

to, from, opening, and summary

opening, context, task, and discussion

opening, task, closing, and attachments

to, from, date, and subject

Question 5 (1 point)
When would a memo need a summary section?

Question 5 options:

when it's so brief it's hard to tell what it's about

when it has an attachment

when it's going outside the company

when it's more than a couple paragraphs long

Question 1: Why am I writing this letter?

Question 2: closing
Question 3: September 12, 2021
Question 4: to, from, date, and subject
Question 5: when it's so brief it's hard to tell what it's about

What are the first three elements of a press release?

Question 5 options:

media contact details, headline, introduction

headline, dateline, introduction

call to action, headline, body

headline, introduction, boilerplate

Question 6 (1 point)
What is a best practice to follow when writing the body of a press release?

Question 6 options:

give the audience a clear action to take

provide background information about the company

persuade the reader to read the press release

answer the five Ws

Question 7 (1 point)
What parts of a business report should NOT be included in the table of contents?

Question 7 options:

recommendation and references

title page and executive summary

appendix and call to action

title page and references

Question 8 (1 point)
Details, evidence, and methods of data collection are included in what section of a business report?

Question 8 options:




body and recommendation

Question 9 (1 point)
When Bonita put together a research report for her company, what would she have included in the references section?

Question 9 options:

articles and websites she used to gather information

supplementary tables and charts

methods she used for data collection

a high-level overview

Question 10 (1 point)
The bibliography of a business report should include any sources referenced, even if they're not used within the report.

Question 10 options:



Question 5: headline, dateline, introduction

Question 6: answer the five Ws
Question 7: title page and references
Question 8: appendix
Question 9: articles and websites she used to gather information
Question 10: False

Question 1: The introductory paragraph of a business letter should answer the question "Why am I writing this letter?"

To find the answer, you can look at the purpose or intention of the business letter. The introductory paragraph usually provides a brief explanation of why the letter is being sent, whether it is to request information, make a complaint, offer a proposal, or any other specific purpose.

Question 2: The part of a business letter that comes right after the body of the letter is the "closing."

To find the answer, you can refer to the structure of a standard business letter. The closing is the final part of the letter and is typically a polite and professional way to close the communication. It often includes phrases such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours faithfully," followed by the sender's name and, sometimes, their job title or company affiliation.

Question 3: The appropriate way to write a date at the top of a business letter is "September 12, 2021."

To find the answer, you can consider standard conventions for writing dates in a business context. In most cases, the full month name is used, followed by the numerical day and four-digit year. This format provides clarity and avoids confusion, especially when dealing with international correspondence.

Question 4: The four elements of a memo heading are "to, from, date, and subject."

To find the answer, you can refer to the standard structure of a memo. The memo heading usually includes the recipient (to), the sender (from), the date the memo is being written, and a descriptive subject line. These elements help identify the purpose and context of the memo.

Question 5: A memo would need a summary section when it's more than a couple paragraphs long.

To find the answer, you can consider the purpose of a summary section in a memo. The summary provides a concise overview of the main points or content of the memo, allowing readers to quickly grasp the key information without having to read the entire document. A summary is particularly useful when the memo is lengthy or when the recipient needs a quick understanding of its contents.