john drove a car 100 miles in 1 hour and 45 minutes. He took a rest for 15 minutes. Then he drove for 1 hour with the speed of 56 miles per hour. what was his overall speed for the trip

To calculate John's overall speed for the trip, we need to first calculate the total distance he covered and then divide it by the total time taken.

The distance John covered during the first part of his trip is 100 miles.
The time taken during the first part of his trip is 1 hour and 45 minutes, which can also be written as 1.75 hours.

The time taken during the rest is 15 minutes, which can be written as 0.25 hours.

The distance John covered during the second part of his trip is the product of his speed (56 miles/hour) and the time taken (1 hour).

Now, let's calculate the total distance:
Total distance = Distance for the first part + Distance for the second part
Total distance = 100 miles + (56 miles/hour * 1 hour)
Total distance = 100 miles + 56 miles
Total distance = 156 miles

Now, let's calculate the total time taken:
Total time = Time for the first part + Rest time + Time for the second part
Total time = 1.75 hours + 0.25 hours + 1 hour
Total time = 3 hours

Finally, let's calculate the overall speed for the trip:
Overall speed = Total distance / Total time
Overall speed = 156 miles / 3 hours
Overall speed ≈ 52 miles/hour

Therefore, John's overall speed for the trip was approximately 52 miles per hour.