During July in Jacksonville, Florida, it is not uncommon to have afternoon thunderstorms. On average, 11.7 days have afternoon thunderstorms. What is the probability that a randomly selected day in July will not have a thunderstorm?

To calculate the probability that a randomly selected day in July will not have a thunderstorm, we need to find the complement of the event "having an afternoon thunderstorm."

The complement of an event is the opposite of the event. Since the average number of days with afternoon thunderstorms in July is 11.7, the average number of days without afternoon thunderstorms can be calculated by subtracting 11.7 from the total number of days in July.

Let's assume there are 31 days in July.

Number of days without afternoon thunderstorms = Total days in July - Average number of days with afternoon thunderstorms
Number of days without afternoon thunderstorms = 31 - 11.7
Number of days without afternoon thunderstorms = 19.3

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected day in July will not have a thunderstorm is 19.3/31 or approximately 0.6226 (62.26%).