An airplane carries 320 passengers from Phoenix to Los Angeles flying at an average speed of 490 miles per hour. On the return flight, the plane carries 164 passengers and travels at the same average speed. What happens to the plane's kinetic energy? (1 point)

• On the return flight, the plane has more kinetic energy.
The plane's kinetic energy is changed to potential energy when it lands.
• On the return flight, the plane has less kinetic energy.
O The plane's kinetic energy is the same on both flights

The plane's kinetic energy is the same on both flights.

The kinetic energy of an object is given by the equation KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass and v is the velocity. Since the question does not provide information about any changes in mass, we can assume it remains constant. As a result, the only variable that changes is the velocity, which is the same on both flights (490 mph). Therefore, the plane's kinetic energy remains the same on the return flight.