You are a Scientist and have just made an amazing discovery of a previously unknown planet with a diameter that is 30 times or 3 x 10 ^ 1 bigger than the diameter of the Earth. Your planet’s distance from the Sun is 10,000,000,000 miles or 10^10.

Information to know and task to complete: The Earth has a diameter of 7,917.5 miles or 7.9157 x 10 ^3 miles. If your planet is 30 times or 3 x 10 ^ 1 bigger than the diameter of the Earth, what is your planet’s diameter?

The Earth is about 93,000,000 miles or 9.3 x 10^7 away from the sun. Your planet’s distance from the Sun is 10,000,000,000 miles or 10^10. Use what you have learned about subtraction with scientific notation to find the difference between your planet’s distance from the Sun and the Earth’s distance from the Sun.

For this portfolio, you will make a poster, drawing, presentation/ ppt, google slides, or computer generated image that depicts the Earth and your newly discovered planet. You will use scientific notation to determine what is the diameter of your planet and the difference between the distance that the earth is from the sun and the distance that your planet is from the sun.

Be creative and arranged in an orderly manner.

What should your portfolio include:

Images of the Earth and your new planet.

Labels for the planets. Give your planet a name.

Clearly include both planets’ diameter and distance from the Sun.

In a short paragraph describe your planet and show your work using scientific notation where you find the diameter of your planet and the difference between the distance that the earth is from the sun and the distance that your planet is.

Hint: You should multiply to find the diameter of your planet. You should use subtraction to find the difference between the distance that the earth is from the sun and the distance that your planet is.

My Planet:

Name: Xenos


The Earth has a diameter of 7,917.5 miles. And since my planet is 30 times bigger than the Earth, the diameter of Xenos can be calculated by multiplying the Earth's diameter by 30:

Xenos' Diameter = 7,917.5 miles x 30 = 237,525 miles

Distance from the Sun:

The Earth is approximately 93,000,000 miles away from the Sun, and my planet Xenos is located at a distance of 10,000,000,000 miles from the Sun. To find the difference between the distance that the Earth is from the Sun and the distance that Xenos is, we need to subtract the two values:

Difference = Distance of Xenos - Distance of Earth
= 10,000,000,000 miles - 93,000,000 miles
= 9,907,000,000 miles


[Insert poster here - include images of the Earth and Xenos, labels for the planets, their respective diameters, and distances from the Sun]

In conclusion, my newly discovered planet Xenos has a diameter of 237,525 miles, which is 30 times larger than the Earth's diameter. Xenos is located at a distance of 10,000,000,000 miles from the Sun, which is 9,907,000,000 miles farther than the Earth. This discovery opens up new possibilities for understanding the diversity of planetary systems beyond our solar system.