Use the excerpt to complete the activity.

Now it was my mother’s turn to sigh.
“Look,” I said, to cheer her up. “I’m thinking about shaving the moustache off.” Even though I wasn't for a long time. Another discovery: You can build a way of life on postponement.
“Your grandmother probably won’t even recognize you,” she said. And I saw the shadow fall across her face.
In 1-2 sentences, explain the meaning of postponement in the excerpt, and tell which words provide the clearest context clue for the word.
(2 points)

The meaning of postponement in the excerpt is the act of delaying or putting off a decision or action. The words "thinking about" provide the clearest context clue for the word postponement.

what was the clearest context cule i

The clearest context clue for the word postponement in the excerpt is "You can build a way of life on postponement." This suggests that postponement is related to delaying or putting off decisions or actions.

In the excerpt, the meaning of postponement is delaying or putting off doing something. The words "thinking about" and "even though I wasn't for a long time" provide the clearest context clue for the word.