: Use the rubric below as a guide in answering the short answer question(s).

4 The question is clearly answered.
The response is fully supported by details.
There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics, but they do not interfere with meaning.
3 The question is adequately answered.
The response is supported by mostly relevant details.
There are a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics, but they do not interfere with meaning.
2 The question is somewhat answered.
Details are weak or extraneous.
There are some errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics, and they interfere with meaning.
1 The question is answered vaguely.
There are few or no supporting details.
There are many errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics, and they interfere with meaning.
0 The question is not answered.

Use the six Spanish terms below to write about something in a traditional classroom. Make sure to use the correct number(s) for the nouns and the correct present tense form of the verb. Write your answer in Spanish. Short Answer Rubric mochila cartel los las the verb estar en

En un salón de clases tradicional, hay una mochila colgada en la silla del estudiante. En las paredes, hay carteles con información útil. Los estudiantes están sentados en sus pupitres, prestando atención al maestro o maestra.