In 5 hours the Acela Express, the fastest train in North America, traveled 775 miles. How far did it travel in 8 hours?(1 point)


484.375 miles
484.375 miles

1,240 miles
1,240 miles

31,000 miles
31,000 miles

19.375 miles

To find out how far the Acela Express traveled in 8 hours, we can use the concept of proportionality.

If the train traveled 775 miles in 5 hours, we can set up a proportion:

5 hours is to 775 miles as 8 hours is to x miles.

Using cross-multiplication, we can solve for x:

5 * x = 8 * 775
5x = 6200
x = 6200/5
x = 1,240 miles

Therefore, the Acela Express traveled 1,240 miles in 8 hours.