Find the value of the function y=◂−▸3x2−21 when x=4 Y=

To find the value of the function y=◂−▸3x^2−21 when x=4, substitute x=4 into the function.

Plugging x=4 into the function:
y = ◂−▸3(4)^2−21

y = 3(16) - 21
y = 48 - 21
y = 27

Therefore, when x=4, y=27.

Determine if the function ◂=▸y=x5−13, x≠0, is a linear or nonlinear function.

The function y = ◂=▸x^5 - 13 is a nonlinear function.

A linear function has a degree of 1, meaning the variable x is raised to the power of 1 or there are no exponents on x. In this case, we have x raised to the power of 5, making it a nonlinear function.

When the input is x=0.3, which of the following is the output of the function ◂=▸y=3x+6?(1 point) Responses 9 9 0.3 0.3 6.3 6.3 6.9

To find the output of the function y=◂=▸3x+6 when x=0.3, substitute x=0.3 into the function.

Plugging x=0.3 into the function:
y = 3(0.3) + 6

y = 0.9 + 6
y = 6.9

Therefore, when x=0.3, the output of the function is y=6.9.

What is the value of the function y=◂−▸ 1 8 x−13 when x=−4?(1 point) Responses −16 negative 16 −13.5 negative 13.5 −12.5 negative 12.5 −15

To find the value of the function y=◂−▸18x−13 when x=−4, substitute x=-4 into the function.

Plugging x=-4 into the function:
y = ◂−▸18(-4) - 13

y = -72 - 13
y = -85

Therefore, when x=-4, the value of the function is y=-85.