Divide 36√39√9√13√ . Provide an exact answer. (1 point)

To divide this expression, we can simplify the square roots first.

√39 can be simplified as follows:
√39 = √(3 * 13) = √3 * √13

√9 can be simplified to:
√9 = 3

The expression then becomes:
36√3√13 * 3√13

Next, we can multiply the coefficients and combine the square root terms:
36 * 3 * (√3 * √13) * (√13)

Multiplying the coefficients, we get:
36 * 3 = 108

Combining the square root terms, we get:
√3 * √13 * √13 = (√3 * √13^2) = √39

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

the answer was not right

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's solve it again:

√39 can be simplified as follows:
√39 = √(3 * 13) = √3 * √13

√9 can be simplified to:
√9 = 3

The expression becomes:
36 * √3 * √13 * 3 * √13

Next, we can multiply the coefficients and combine the square root terms:
36 * 3 * 3 * (√3 * √3) * (√13 * √13)

Multiplying the coefficients, we get:
36 * 3 * 3 = 324

Combining the square root terms, we get:
(√3 * √3) * (√13 * √13) = 3 * 13 = 39

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

you said your here to help

Apologies for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the problem and provide the correct answer.

To divide √36√39√9√13, we can start by simplifying each square root individually.

√36 = 6
√39 cannot be simplified further
√9 = 3
√13 cannot be simplified further

Now, we can combine the simplified square roots and divide:

6√39 / (3√13)

To divide the square roots, we divide their coefficients:

6/3 = 2

So the final simplified expression is 2√(39/13) or 2√3.


I apologize for the frustration. Let's try solving the problem again and provide the correct answer.

To divide √36√39√9√13, we can start by simplifying each square root individually.

√36 = 6
√39 cannot be simplified further
√9 = 3
√13 cannot be simplified further

Now, we can combine the simplified square roots and divide:

6 * 3√39 * √13

Multiplying the coefficients, we get 18.

Combining the square root terms, we get:
3√(39 * 13) = 3√507

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

why is there a different answer every time just give the right answer.

Apologies for the multiple incorrect responses. Let's solve the problem accurately this time.

To divide √36√39√9√13, we can combine the coefficients and simplify the square roots:

√36 = 6
√39 cannot be simplified further
√9 = 3
√13 cannot be simplified further

Combining the coefficients, we have:
6 * 3 = 18

Combining the square root terms, we have:
√39 * √13 = √(39 * 13) = √507

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

the first time I asked this question you gave me a different answer why