Is a comic book, fictional novel, textbook or graphic novel considered a informational text?

A comic book, fictional novel, textbook, or graphic novel can all be considered informational texts depending on their content and purpose.

A comic book or graphic novel can contain elements of fiction, non-fiction, or a combination of both. They often present narratives in a visual format, but can still convey information, historical events, or educational content.

A fictional novel, on the other hand, is primarily focused on telling a story and entertaining readers, rather than providing factual information. While it may contain elements of historical or cultural context, the main purpose is to engage readers through storytelling.

A textbook, as the name suggests, is designed to provide specific information and knowledge on a particular subject or academic discipline. Textbooks are commonly used as formal learning resources and are written to present factual information, theories, concepts, and explanations.

So, while all these types of texts have their own distinct characteristics and purposes, they can each be considered informational texts to varying degrees depending on their content and intentions.